Water Feature Care Guide

With stylish design, calming resort style ambience and ability to attract birdlife, our water features make a wonderful addition to any outdoor space. Here are some tips to keep yours looking and performing at its absolute best for many years to come.

Installing your Water Feature

  • Do not place the water feature directly on soil, as moisture can damage the paint finish and void the warranty.
    Instead, place it on a solid, compressed, and level surface such as paving, individual pavers, or a concrete footing to support the full weight of the fountain. Use evenly placed 10mm spacers between footing and pond to reduce water wicking on the outside of the pond.
  • Trim branches or leaves that are touching the feature as
    they can drain the feature.
  • When attaching the pump to the water feature, ensure there is a firm connection between the hose and the pump intake.
    To soften and expand the hose for easier attachment, gently warm the hose with hot water or flame.
  • Once the pump is submerged, turn it on.
  • Adjust water flow by turning the dial on the side of the pump.
  • Ensure the reservoir is slightly above ground level to deter any debris that can wear down the impellor.
  • Most pumps have a 10 meter cable length to attach to an outdoor power source. Consult an electrician if hardwiring.

Cleaning the Fountain and Water

  •  We recommend maintaining water quality by regularly using a water treatment, such as PondMAX CleanMax+. Do not use bleach or chlorine as this will void your warranty and deteriorate the pump seals and fountain exterior.
  • If you are planning on introducing fish and plants, you may need additional equipment to keep the water clean.
  • Depending on your water quality, white limescale buildup may occur on the outside of the feature. Remove with clean water and a non-abrasive scouring pad to avoid staining and paint deterioration.
  • Keep the water moving and aerated. Adding oxygen to the water encourages healthy bacteria and reduces slime. Moving water will also help prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs.
  • We recommend regularly flushing with fresh tap water to reduce salt and limescale build-up as a result of evaporation.

Pump Cleaning Instructions

Maintenance is important as fountain pumps are water cooled, if the pump becomes restricted or blocked, it will overheat and cause permanent damage.

IMPORTANT: Disconnect the pump’s power cord before performing any maintenance.


  • Check and clean outside, use brush if necessary.
  • The filters and sponges will clog over time. Please clean to ensure strong water flow.

Check Biosponge

  • Unclip the front cover, remove the biosponge and rinse.
  • Check for wear of the sponges. Replace if necessary.

Impellor Maintenance

  • Turn the Impellor cover in an anti-clockwise direction to lift off. You can separate the impellor cover from the pump body. Remove the impellor with care, not to break the brittle ceramic shaft.
  • Clean the impellor with clean water and brush. Inspect for signs of wear. Replace if necessary.


  • Once the cleaning and inspection process is completed,
    reassemble in the reverse manner.

Pump Warranty Information

You must keep the full length of cord and original plug to maintain warranty. If your electrician needs to cut the cord, please discuss options with WG Outdoor Life.

Keep your feature filled at all times. The warranty won’t cover ‘burnt out’ pumps so switch it off if you’re away for extended periods.